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Friday, December 7, 2007

New Blogger layout

Ta Da! New Layout!

..let me know is you see any issues on your end..


QuiltingFitzy said...

Sorry, I am of no help, lol.

Call me sometime this weekend, I've left 2 messages!! Miss you!

Swany Photography/Web Design said...

hah it's ok... i'm actually figuring it out on my own...

... i'm not sure how it looks on other computers...so let me know if it looks messed up

Earl said...

Looks great! Very nice layout. I like the sidebar photos.

Swany Photography/Web Design said...

cool! thanks for taking a look and letting me know!

QuiltingFitzy said...

1) I'd like to see a link to directly email you from your blog.

2) Using IE, the green is pretty hard to read, can you pick one shade darker?

I too like the pictures along the border, might you be able to put a tiny bit of background on the left? Like center them in that sidebar?

Otherwise, I'm loving it. You may need/get to do something with mine soon, lol. One lady I read is doing blog make-overs for $50.

Erika Jean said...

i can't wait a week. blogger you suck let my sister back!

QuiltingFitzy said...

Yeah, ditto what she said.


Ok, that's as radical as I can get, and I tried really, really hard!

Love you, love your show.

Erika Jean said...

dude, can't send pics on the wii. no SD card, i have an XD card. its tiny.

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