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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Great Video of the Day!

What a great video! Thanks to Matt!


QuiltingFitzy said...

Welcome to Blogland, lol.

E knows how to get the code into your sidebar, you don't add people like MySpace...it's more of sharing your blog address with others and they just visit from their own bookmarks. When you visit and comment on someone else's blog it has an active link so they can check yours.

Erika Jean said...


Anonymous said...

Wicked. Reminds me of The New Radicals video for "You Get What You Give": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91WgM6dNLTE

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thankyou for showing me this. It's the best thing ever! I've put it on my site (link). I can't tell you how many times I've played this today. They really ought to re-release it.